Team Prayer

I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,   Romans 15:30

Sainthood is a team event. When saints come together they worship the great I AM God. They sing. They pray. They learn the Word of God together. As disciples of Jesus, they learn to follow HIM individually and collectively. Sainthood is not a sole adventure. But a community of people sharing life together.

One discipline done in private and together is prayer. As students of Jesus, we learn the importance of prayer. We start off in private prayer talking with our Maker. Over time we build up a relationship with an invisible God. As we grow in faith and trust, a personal relationship develops. Likewise, when we are together in community, relationships are being made. We share stories. We share food. We share time together building a community of believers who each have come to know their God.

As we come together, we also learn more from each other who God IS. When we pray together, we experience the heart and soul of a person in relationship with the same God we serve. As we worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we come to know more about HIM and ourselves in the process.

The apostle Paul relied on the support of his fellow saints to fulfill his calling in life. He would ask for their prayers on his behalf. His struggles and personal battles to preach the gospel would often overcome him. His solution was always to look for Jesus Christ to provide the strength to carry him through. He was not bashful to request help at times such as in Romans 15 when he believed his life may soon be over.

Yes, we are to pray in private. But we are also ask to pray whenever the occasion calls for it. That means when you are out in the public arena and eyes may be on you. That may mean during a football game when one of the players are severely injured. That may mean in the parking lot of a shopping mall. Or when someone is in desperation and needs help beyond your capacity to deliver. Especially when you are witnessing a live event in a public arena and unable to intervene in a violent situation.

Yes, our relationship with the living God is such we can pray either privately or corporately. Whoever is watching doesn’t change our intensity and intent. Why? Because our relationship with our heavenly Father is real. We know our heavenly Dad’s heart on the manner. We share in supporting HIS ways. And we know HE always hears us and acts on our requests. May not be when and how we expect. But we trust HE knows what is best for all involved in the situation and will see the best long term solution is made.

So when you have the time to share prayers with other members of God’s family on earth, take it. Let others come to know the God who walks with you. They and you will grow from the experience.

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

Books By Dr. Mike:

Encourage a Friend…Share Today’s Message!

Copyright 2013-Present | Abbaco LLC | All Rights Reserved

Aging Gracefully

Teacher: And so we come to the end of this musing over life. My advice to you is to remember your Creator, God, while you are young: before life gets hard and the injustice of old age comes upon you—before the years arrive when pleasure feels far out of reach— before the sun and light and the moon and stars fade to darkness and before cloud-covered skies return after the rain. Remember Him before the arms and legs of the keeper of the house begin to tremble—before the strong grow uneasy and bent over with age—before toothless gums aren’t able to chew food and eyes grow dim. Remember Him before the doors are shut in the streets and hearing fails and everyday sounds fade away—before the slightest sound of a bird’s chirp awakens the sleeping but the song itself has fallen silent. People will be afraid of falling from heights and terrifying obstacles in the streets. Realize that hair turns white like the blossoms on the almond tree, one becomes slow and large like a gluttonous grasshopper, and even caper berries no longer stimulate desire. In the end, all must go to our eternal home while there are mourners in the streets. So before the silver cord is snapped and the golden bowl is shattered: before the earthen jar is smashed at the spring and the wheel at the well is broken—before the dust returns to the earth that gave it and the spirit-breath returns to God who breathed it, let us remember our Creator. Life is fleeting; it just slips through your fingers. All vanishes like mist.   Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 (Voice)

Don’t take your life too seriously; take time to enjoy yourself. Life goes by fast. These are words expressed to me in my mid-twenties by a mentor friend. Looking back I am thankful for his wise counsel. For life does go by fast.

The challenge I now face is the realization this body is slowly wearing out. Many of my friends and acquaintances are rusting out. I have been fortunate to have inherited good genes. Plus had a mother who reminded us each day the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Yet, the aging process isn’t for wimps.

The writer of Ecclesiastes summarizes the end of life as a process of wearing out. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. But he leaves us with one final thought before then. Remember our Creator.

He is not the first nor last Scripture writer to make that statement. You can look at the majority of all the other book authors and they leave you with the same theme. Remember your Creator.

Recall the times HE intervened for you. The times HE fulfilled HIS promises for you. The times HE carried you through the broken periods of your life. The times HE blessed you with your heart’s delight. The times HE showed HIS love for you. Yes, even the times HE disciplined you for your sake.


As you remember, share those stories with your family members. Let your neighbors hear the same. When visiting friends and associates, let them know. Your life is a legacy of God’s workmanship. Let others know how HE intervened in your life. How HE made the difference in your life. How HE is the reason for your existence. How you found meaning and purpose in life through HIM.

Yes, as you age gracefully, remember your Creator. And remind others the same.   


Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

Books By Dr. Mike:

Encourage a Friend…Share Today’s Message!

Copyright 2013-Present | Abbaco LLC | All Rights Reserved

Dust & Dirt

“then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.”   Gen. 2:7

Woke up this morning and immediately began thinking about one’s mortality. I must have had a dream which now cannot recall. But the weight of the matter was so intense I had to immediately start writing.

Our self-awareness of age doesn’t become of prime importance until such a moment arises. A time which causes us to stop and face reality. Until then we go about doing what one does to stay alive. We work. We eat. We sleep. We go about our normal routine until death crosses our doorway.

When you are young, you feel invincible. But as you age, you begin to take note that some of your friends and associates are no longer with you. You begin to slow down. Your mind isn’t as sharp as it once was. Your muscles and vision slowly dissipate. You find yourself speaking more about the past rather than hoping in the future. You check the calendar for confirmation of today’s year and date. You can’t believe time has gone by so fast since your mother gave birth to you.

Life is precious. The older one becomes, the more one appreciates the work God is doing. He wants a family. An eternal family. As I have stated so often, life is a learning process preparing you for eternity. God has created humanity as part of the birthing process. Like the fetus in a mother’s womb, you and I are being nourished and prepared for birth into heaven’s dimension. This exterior body is being shed away. What will be exposed is the soul and spirit.

The resurrection of our bodies is the outcome of a new birth into a new age.

Our old body consists of chemicals from the earth. Our new bodies will be like Christ’s (1 Corinth. 15:49). As Jesus so often stated. What gives life is the spirit. The flesh without the spirit is dead. So why does it take a lifetime to realize this?

Looking back, my only wish is someone would have explained to me God’s purpose for creation. For birthing you and me. How everyday life takes you closer to either become more like HIM or less. We are HIS children. We are being prepared for HIS family business. We are learning to serve and lead like HIM. Knowing this makes one want to know HIM better. As we get to know HIM better, one’s desire is to become more like our heavenly Dad.

Sin is a religious term which simply means failing to live up to HIS ways. Grace though is HIS way of picking us up and repeating the process until we succeed. This life is a marathon race. As long as one keeps moving toward the finishing line, one wins. This is not because of our talents, skills, and abilities. But because of Jesus Christ’s victory. He has already included us in the winner’s circle.

Yes physical death comes to all. Until then, the only question pertains to our relationship with HIM. Are we ready to meet our heavenly Father?

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

Books By Dr. Mike:

Encourage a Friend…Share Today’s Message!

Copyright 2013-Present | Abbaco LLC | All Rights Reserved