Role of Government

Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.   Isaiah 9:7


Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.   Psalm 89:14


Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.   Matthew 6:10


Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.   Matthew 25:34

Most governments operate from a top-down sphere. Those at the top exercise lordship. They control others to produce the end result they desire. God’s government though operates differently. HE works through the hearts of all. God unleashes the individual to serve others. The govern lead by following the Spirit that resides in them.

Today’s government bureaucrats design systems to benefit themselves rather than the citizen. Visit any DMV and notice how the center of their operations are the employees, not the citizen. Policies are established for the employee sake, not the citizen. When one enters the room, one quickly recognizes the bureaucracy of the process. The citizen is expected to jump through all the hoops to make it easier for the government employee.

Likewise, standards are established for the masses. But if you are a privileged person, you get preferred treatment. Everyone must follow the rules except those who they determine don’t have too. Justice is now determined by those in power.  Those citizens who don’t agree with their viewpoint are treated as second-class peons.

As a society, we have murdered the concept of justice and righteousness. We ignore the Creator’s instructions for human relationships and governmental operations. The end result is people suffer. When a society loses sight of the government’s primary purpose, the people always suffer.

Those in power pursue ambitions rather than altruistic service to their fellow citizens. Again, they have thrown out God’s instructions of leadership. In its place, they follow principles of lordship.

If they knew God, they would see the beauty of HIS ways. They would recognize the importance of justice and righteousness for all. They would be committed to serve their fellow citizens in love and faithfulness. They would seek what is best for all rather than reward their personal donors. They would not make exceptions that would only benefit a few. Justice would be blind. The same rule would apply to the rich and poor. The formally educated or uneducated. The right extremist and well as the left ones. The liberal and the conservative. Everyone would abide by the same standards.

This is how God’s government operates. Everyone is included under Jesus Christ. He is King. His word and purpose is the standard of righteousness and justice. As we follow HIM, he shares HIS Spirit within us. We follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. There are very few rules and laws to follow in God’s Kingdom. Everyone is treated with love and respect. Everyone is a child of the living God and thus is valued by God and others within HIS government.

Bureaucracy doesn’t not exist in God’s government. Each citizen serves the other as they would want to be served. But of course, human nature doesn’t want God’s Spirit leading them. They want the benefits without the responsibility and accountability. They want to be lord of the house. But they lack the character and willpower to lead and serve like Jesus. They do not want to be told what to do. But rather create the rules for others to follow. They are above the rules. They are the exception. They are the elite.

What they don’t see is how blind, poor, and ignorant they are. They compare themselves to others in their insecurity. But when they look in the mirror of Jesus, they fall short. So they destroy the mirror and live in their self-denial and fantasy world of make believe. The sad truth though, they inflict pain and suffering on those they lead or influence. If they ran a business, the owner would fire them. But because they are in a position of power, there is no one in their way.

God’s government, HIS Kingdom, sets the standard for all to follow. When practiced, the people prosper. When ignored, the people suffer. I pray that HIS Kingdom fully comes sooner than later.  

PS: For those who want an in-depth study of Biblical principles of government, the Institute for Principle Studies offers a course. I have no association with their organization and only make this suggestion for those who want to know more. There link is:

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

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