War of Ideas

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.   Ephesians 6:12

Spiritual warfare is real. This is not a fantasy played out within virtual reality. Instead the battle is happening every day in every way around you and me.

The ability to discern and walk humbly with our God will keep us relatively safe. Though there will be days we may walk away with heavier scars and cuts than preferred. This is the cost of following a King who is considered a threat to the enemy.

The enemy is not necessary people. But they are the pawns of evil forces. It is the ideas, thoughts, and values bombarded at you by ignorant and rebellious children of God. They are the dark side of the family. The ones who for some reason are hurt from some past offense. They are now taking out their anger at God Almighty through their attitude and behavior.

They are following the passion of their heart which is void of God’s love and joy.

Their weapons of destruction include anti-God characteristics. Whatever God Almighty stands for, they oppose. What they practice is the antithesis of God’s Word.

The basis of their warfare begins in the mind. The battle is a mental push to confuse the mind. It is a war of ideas. The more confused they can make you to doubt and question God’s character, the closer they are to defeat you. Their purpose is to separate you from the Father. To remove HIS place and purpose from your life.

Satan, God’s adversary, is the perpetual spirit behind this push. He knows his time is short. His goal on earth is to raise an army of activist to fight against everything good. To cut God’s name, purpose, and instructions from the minds of HIS future family members. Satan and his demonic spirits seek to abort as many of God’s children currently residing in the womb of the Church.

The battle starts in the mind. But ends in the soul. The one who battles through the junk, fighting with our Lord and HIS Spirit in HIS armor (Eph. 6:10-18), will be rewarded with a seat in HIS House (Rev. 3:21). They will be guaranteed a place in the first resurrection. This is the better of the two resurrections.

The battle is between God’s Kingdom and every other form of government. This is one reason why world governments seek to dismantle the family. The nuclear family centered in Christ is the foundation of God’s government on earth today. His Church is built from communities centered around families. Thus governments who allow Christianity to flourish, allows God’s way to flourish. This is the reason why those who practice Marxism or communism are so destructive of God’s way and purpose.

This is why it is also important to be grounded in the foundation of God’s Word. To know the eternal values Almighty God and Lord Jesus exemplify every day. To know HIS purpose and your part in HIS macro plan for humanity. When your person-hood is built on solid rock instead of sifting sand, you will survive the storms of life. In fact, you will become strengthen through them and learn to thrive God’s way. You will reflect HIS character. You will be a witness of what the good life really means.

Yes, the enemy will hate you. But God’s love more than replaces anything or anyone who tries to destroy you with their stupidity. Be smart. The battle is yours to win through Jesus Christ who already has defeated the enemy. They just don’t have the wisdom of knowing when to quit. May God grant them repentance.

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

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