Celebrating Days

“One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord.”  (Rom. 14:5-6)

Which day of the year is most important for you? Is it Christmas or Easter? Is it your wedding anniversary or birthday? Or is it Passover or Atonement? Is it the first day or last day of the school year? Is it your annual Ferris Bueller day off? Or the day you visit your favorite aunt?

What makes one day more important than the other?

Isn’t that between you and your Lord?

I had a discussion some time ago with a person who looked forward to certain days of each year. He was shocked to discover that I didn’t have any favorite days. The days on my calendar most highlighted are days that are important for those closes to me. I guess you may consider them my favorite days. Not because there is something special about these days. But because the event they represent is important to someone I love. This mostly includes the anniversaries and birthdays of family members. The twenty-four hour time slot on its own is not important for me. But the event which occurred on this day in the past is a reminder of something special in our lives.

Take the resurrection of Jesus. This is an important event in the life of humanity. The religious community selects one day per year to remind us of this life-giving event. I though celebrate this event every day; not just this one day. I rejoice daily for this blessing.

Take the day I was born. When I became an adult I would call and wish my mother happy birthday. Why? Because she gave birth to me. It’s her birthday. She did the work. I only participated through the event. In fact, it reminds me of much more. It isn’t the one day. But everything she and my father did each day sacrificing for their family.

So if you want to celebrate a certain day because it reminds you of something important in life, so be it. That is between you and your Lord. But, if I choose not to celebrate the day as you do, don’t panic. It is not because the event isn’t important, but in my world I celebrate it in a different way.

I rather rejoice and celebrate every day. God makes each day so we can live with meaning, purpose, and thankfulness in HIS presence. In my book, all important events are reminders to celebrate each day. For the fact is there are not enough days in a calendar to rejoice over everything God has done, is doing, and has yet to do. So I choose to celebrate HIM through Jesus each day.

In Christ, everything worth celebrating and rejoicing over is already included in HIM. HE is the center and core of all important events. Thus, I rejoice in HIM. Yes, it makes keeping a calendar of important events easier to maintain. But HE is the reason for each season, each person, and each event worth rejoicing over.

So, celebrate your days unto the Lord. God approves. And for those who choose not to celebrate certain days unto the Lord, God also approves. It is between you and your Lord. Meanwhile, let’s keep celebrating Jesus on a daily basis.

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

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