God of Hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.   Romans 15:13

Without hope plans fail.

Without hope, your current situation is bleak.

Without hope, you are denying yourself a future.

Hope is the springboard for tomorrow.

Hope brings peace and joy on the ride.

Hope is God’s specialty.

Without God, hope is Shangri-la in the sky. With God, hope is real.

Life is designed for you and I to be effectively trained to serve in God’s Kingdom for eternity. The pain. The suffering. The challenges. The hiccups and slaps are all there to teach us how to lean on HIM. To come to know HIM. To partner with HIM on our journey through life. To learn to trust HIM as HE weaves and works to build HIS character in you and me. If we so choose.

Otherwise, you are on your own. Lost and confused. Jumping upon the next fad. Allowing culture to dictate your next move. A pawn in the hands of those who are manipulating you for their personal gain.

But God wants what is best for you. He doesn’t force himself upon you. HE allows you to freely choose your destiny.

You can try to do it all yourself. Like others before you. How did their life workout?

Or you can reach out to the God-Man who has already proven himself before the Almighty and others. And HE has many witnesses who have demonstrated a similar life worth pursuing.

What does hope have to do with all this?

When you come to know the Triune God, you develop a trust in HIM. You learn to walk with HIM through the good and uglies of life. You witness how HE carries you through the tough times. You are amazed at how HE directs your steps toward the answers you seek. Even before you recognize your need. You develop a relationship with HIM. You learn to communicate with HIM. You learn to trust HIM.

Your trust in HIM gives you hope. As HIS Spirit lives in you, you experience the joy and peace from HIM. As you move into a new day, the world around you may act in craziness, but you are hopeful. You know God is working out all things for your good. May not be what you expect. But it will be good. Good for you. Good for those around you. Good for HIS Kingdom. May not be what you initially identify as good. But in the long-term, you will learn the goodness of God. Even through the pain, suffering, and anxiety you are currently experiencing. You will trust and hope in HIM. For you know HE loves you. He wants what is best for you. And He reminds you each day HE is with you and cares for you.

So lean on HIM. Hope in HIM. Let HIM have HIS ways with you. HE will deliver you from the mess around you. Through it all, you will become stronger, surer, and more hopeful for the next adventure.

Remember: hope is God’s specialty. And HE is very good at it.    

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

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