Team Prayer

I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,   Romans 15:30

Sainthood is a team event. When saints come together they worship the great I AM God. They sing. They pray. They learn the Word of God together. As disciples of Jesus, they learn to follow HIM individually and collectively. Sainthood is not a sole adventure. But a community of people sharing life together.

One discipline done in private and together is prayer. As students of Jesus, we learn the importance of prayer. We start off in private prayer talking with our Maker. Over time we build up a relationship with an invisible God. As we grow in faith and trust, a personal relationship develops. Likewise, when we are together in community, relationships are being made. We share stories. We share food. We share time together building a community of believers who each have come to know their God.

As we come together, we also learn more from each other who God IS. When we pray together, we experience the heart and soul of a person in relationship with the same God we serve. As we worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we come to know more about HIM and ourselves in the process.

The apostle Paul relied on the support of his fellow saints to fulfill his calling in life. He would ask for their prayers on his behalf. His struggles and personal battles to preach the gospel would often overcome him. His solution was always to look for Jesus Christ to provide the strength to carry him through. He was not bashful to request help at times such as in Romans 15 when he believed his life may soon be over.

Yes, we are to pray in private. But we are also ask to pray whenever the occasion calls for it. That means when you are out in the public arena and eyes may be on you. That may mean during a football game when one of the players are severely injured. That may mean in the parking lot of a shopping mall. Or when someone is in desperation and needs help beyond your capacity to deliver. Especially when you are witnessing a live event in a public arena and unable to intervene in a violent situation.

Yes, our relationship with the living God is such we can pray either privately or corporately. Whoever is watching doesn’t change our intensity and intent. Why? Because our relationship with our heavenly Father is real. We know our heavenly Dad’s heart on the manner. We share in supporting HIS ways. And we know HE always hears us and acts on our requests. May not be when and how we expect. But we trust HE knows what is best for all involved in the situation and will see the best long term solution is made.

So when you have the time to share prayers with other members of God’s family on earth, take it. Let others come to know the God who walks with you. They and you will grow from the experience.

Rooting For You in Christ!

Dr. Mike

Faith-Integrator, Encourager, Scribbler

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,” (Colossians 1:9)

Books By Dr. Mike:

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What is Your Commitment Level?

commitment 4

What other pragmatic choices are there that make more sense?  If eternity is a one out of one hundred chance probability, would you still hang in there?  Everything in this life is temporary.  You came into the world naked and you might as well leave naked because you can’t take anything with you.  Is there a better life with a greater promise?  As his disciple, we put our faith in the man who claims He is God.  If He isn’t God, then He put on the greatest acting performance of any person who ever lived.  It would be the greatest lie of all history.  But, He made it possible to prove He is who He said He is.  Where else is there to go’?

Martin Luther King, Jr. made the statement once that if you haven’t found something worth dying for than you haven’t found something worth living for.  If being a disciple is only for outward appearance, than you might as well give up now. If being a disciple is only to keep peace in the house, than you might as well give up now.  If being a disciple is only a socially cultural acceptable position of life, than you might as well give up today.  Why?  Because you are not going to practice the discipline it takes to finish the race.

It takes character to keep Christ the center of one’s life.  What gain is it to run only 95 yards of a 100-yard race?  What gain is it to play only one inning of a nine-inning baseball game?  What gain is it to read only two-thirds through a mystery book and never finish it?  Why even begin a project if you don’t plan to finish it?

As a disciple of His, we have started a journey along a path with many choices.  The road is narrow at times.  The environment is difficult.  But the rewards are monetarily priceless.  After you have tasted the joy of living in the spirit-filled life, what else is there? Everything else seems cheap in comparison.  Everything else is either artificial or empty of substance.  It is only living in harmony with our Creator that we experience the inner life of real godliness.  We are not speaking of an outward appearance of godliness that many people could easily duplicate its behavior for a time.  But an inner joy, peace, and love that comes from the Creator in the presence of the Holy Spirit that lives in you.

It is this life that lives in you no matter what the outer world is experiencing.  This is what Paul spoke about when his world was being torn apart yet he found joy living.  This is the same spirit that is found in many Christ-followers today who may be physically challenged, or confronting cancer, or financial hardship, yet they are internally at peace.  It is not something they do, but it is a Special Spirit living in them.  To give up all that Christ makes available just doesn’t make sense.

Everything Christ makes available to us is what mankind seeks daily in their pursuit of vanity.  The only difference is He gives us this gift now and the rest of mankind is working to earn it.  Mankind wants peace, but doesn’t know how to attain it.  Mankind wants love in their life, but doesn’t know how to attain it.  Mankind wants joy in their life, hut doesn’t know where to find it.  Jesus has made it all possible for every single person to have everything mankind has been seeking since the beginning of dawn.  Why give up something so precious and valuable?  Let’s realize what we really have in our possession and live our life enjoying salvation accordingly as His Disciple.



Our Faithful Dad, your ways are the joys in our life.  Help us to live fully for you.  Help us to start with enthusiasm and finish with greater enthusiasm in everything we do for you.  Let nothing come between us.

Help us to keep  focused on what is always important each and every day.  Let each day begin and end with you.  Let everything sandwiched in between be lived with your approval.  Let us be true to you and honest with self in our pursuit of your kingdom.  Let your glory live in us forever!  Thank you Jesus.  Amen.

Yours In Christ,

Dr. Mike

Coach, Consultant, and Encourager

Author of Great Business Emulates a Good God